miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2009


At this school the technology is used mostly in computer class and doing projects like PowerPoint. In primary we did not do a lot of technology projects because there was no equipment to do it. I remember doing typing and computer games in the class but nothing that involved thinking about the evolution of the technology.

In High school we have done videos. We would make for example a video for Mexican Law. But normally those projects are edited and arranged by only one person. What counts on those projects is the content not how well you do the project. Some teachers like Mrs. Whitten used the smart board for about 2 years but then I think he got frustrated because the board started to brake and he was the only one using them. Two years ago teachers started using the projects which is good because the teachers can make the classes fun and show us different things. Also the notes that the teacher makes can be saved in a public places where the students can access it. I personally two years ago made a video about a trip I did to Africa for Student expo. It was a very good video but because it was different and have more technology that the school could handle it was a disaster. I did not have the support of the teachers.

I think that a lot of times the teaches should give us more option on how and where we what to present our project. For example the student expo should not be so limited we should be able to use technology. We the teacher gives us a project we should be able to use different technology. Also we do not use a lot of technology because we have no being expose to it.

1 comentario:

  1. Options are always good, and for the record Whitten is trying to get his electronic board back we are just having difficulty with one piece - just so you know.

    thanks i appreciate your thoughts
